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Le 27 septembre 2016
Visite d’une délégation
d’une Organisation non
gouvernementale des
pays africains

During the three days from September 27 through 29, 2016, members of the NGO NAAHM (National Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition) came to Gifu in order to visit GIAHS sites.

On the 27th, they watched presentations on the overview of the GIAHS “Ayu of the Nagara River System” as well as the Gifu Prefectural Inland Fisheries Training Center, and were given a tour of the facility.

< Le 28 aoû 2016
Envoi d’employés du
Centre au Royaume
de Thaïlande
Le 14 oct 2016 >
Deuxième accueil de

Journal d’activités